Wednesday, April 15, 2015

So this week I was a little stumped on what to write about. So I decided to Google and Pinterest search 'travel' and see what comes up. I found some great articles and helpful tips!

Below you will find a great article for jobs that can require one to travel! I think having a job that allows you to travel is such a great thing! And why not travel before you are tied down married with kids and that whole shebang. Not to mention I think travel makes you richer, no not with money. But with knowledge, experience and respect for others.

Do not think these things go unnoticed. I think people can tell who have traveled the world and who has not. Just by how someone can carry a conversation can show a lot. In the business world I know there can be many cultural barriers and it is so important to know and understand those.

This article below I really liked as well. I never thought about riding a bike around Paris, but now I think next time I am there I will give it a go. There is so much to see in Paris I think taking a bike may give one a new perspective and possibly see things you couldn't on a bus tour.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your post a lot, I especially liked when you said: "I think travel makes you richer, no not with money. But with knowledge, experience and respect for others." This statement is so true! And who wouldn't love to have a job that requires travel, one of my dreams is to work as a national geographic photographer and get paid to travel around the world, I know that's far fetched, but it is nice to dream.
