Tuesday, April 21, 2015

This is the last week for my blogging assignment. I will try my best to keep up to date with it but no guarantees. I have really enjoyed blogging and reminiscing on my time abroad but also looking forward to the future of where I want to explore next.
There are still so many places I want to go it is hard to list them all. So for this last entry, well maybe not last,  it will just be a little break. I will list where I want to go and the things that are on my bucket list. After all I think everyone should have a bucket list! I know I have already checked out quite a few already!

So for starters the countries I would LOVE to visit!

  • Australia 
  • Greece
  • Russia
  • Brazil
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland  
  • Germany
  • Canada
Other states!
  • Hawaii
  • Alaska
  • California - San Francisco & LA etc! 
  • Illinois  - always wanted to go to Chicago
Now for my bucket list!
  • Skydiving
  • Bungee jumping 
  • Learn how to speak Russian 
  • Adopt a Great Dane 
  • Scuba dive with giant oceanic manta rays
  • Hold a baby panda
  • Go to Coachella 
  • Learn how to surf
  • Go whale watching 
  • Move to London
  • Live in NYC
  • Learn how to play guitar
They are both pretty lengthy lists and I am sure I'm missing out quite a few places and things I want to do. I could probably go on for days but we will keep it short and sweet. But this is a general idea of where and what I want to do during my time on this gorgeous planet. I also want to make a difference and leave my mark here. I do not know what they will be yet but I will figure it out as I go along. For now this is goodbye but I am hoping to keep up with my blog posting in the next weeks to come. Thank you everyone who has kept up with my blog! Cheers! 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

So this week I was a little stumped on what to write about. So I decided to Google and Pinterest search 'travel' and see what comes up. I found some great articles and helpful tips!

Below you will find a great article for jobs that can require one to travel! I think having a job that allows you to travel is such a great thing! And why not travel before you are tied down married with kids and that whole shebang. Not to mention I think travel makes you richer, no not with money. But with knowledge, experience and respect for others.

Do not think these things go unnoticed. I think people can tell who have traveled the world and who has not. Just by how someone can carry a conversation can show a lot. In the business world I know there can be many cultural barriers and it is so important to know and understand those.

This article below I really liked as well. I never thought about riding a bike around Paris, but now I think next time I am there I will give it a go. There is so much to see in Paris I think taking a bike may give one a new perspective and possibly see things you couldn't on a bus tour.  https://www.yahoo.com/travel/biking-is-the-most-delightful-way-to-get-around-116480935877.html

Thursday, April 9, 2015

There are so many more places that I want to explore but one that is on the top of my list is Australia! My parents used to go there to scuba dive and I would love to follow in their footsteps! I think Australia is filled with some of the most amazing creatures and beautiful scenery

Check out this awesome travel video! Definitely wish I was in Australia now exploring the land! 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Most of my favorite quotes are from Bob Marley!

"Love the life you life. Life the life you love" 
"Don't worry about a thing. Every little thing is gonna be alright"
"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have"

Now those are some great quotes to live by! And of course we cannot forget...

One Love 
One Heart 
Let's get together and feel all right

Check out this clip from a YouTube channel called HIGH on LIFE!

I absolutely love this video! My favorite part is at the end when the narrator in the video says...

What do you want to do in life?
What makes you tick? 
What makes you feel awe?

Choose what you want!
Stop looking for reasons why you can't but why you can.
If you can, you should!

This is so true! As I am about to go into the real world after graduation I want to do what I want to. I want to choose to be happy and not just get by but thrive! Life is a gorgeous thing, so get out there and do what brings out the best in you.